Consultancy Services

Consultancy Services

Consultancy Services

The Commissioners of Irish Lights provides a consultation services to meet your needs in areas ranging from Aton provision, Aton design and related Data Services.

Dedicated team

Our technical team are always happy to assist by looking carefully at each case and making site visits to understand your requirements and give experienced and expert advice.

Design & Engineering

Irish Lights can build and develop projects for bespoke applications, with expert craft technicians from welders to Electrical engineers whatever the problem we can find the solution.

AIS and virtual Aids to Navigation (AtoN)

AIS, (AtoN) can be provided in three ways;

  • Real, where the AIS unit is on the AtoN itself
  • synthetic, where the AtoN is monitored by some other means and the AIS message is transmitted from another locations
  • Virtual, where the AtoN does not physically exist but the AIS message transmitted from another location is displayed on electronic displays the bridge of ships


The advantage of an Virtual AIS AtoN is that it can be established in minutes, is unaffected by the elements, and needs no power, access or maintenance. In addition Virtual AIS AtoN offers the option of marking locations where it is not physically possible or feasible to put a real AtoN.

Data & Technology

Irish Lights has marine sensors around the coast of Ireland transmitting in real time metrological and hydrological data.  Irish Lights verifies the quality of this data and forwards it on live or in tabular format to our customers. 

Irish Lights can assist in the provision or offer advice for remote monitoring from offshore locations.

Please contact for more information on consultancy services.