Visitor Centres

Visitor Centres

Visitor Centres

Drop in to our lighthouse visitor centres – a fascinating history and marvellous views

Take a guided tour around a lighthouse – including one of the oldest working lighthouses in the world. We’ve several lighthouse visitor centres with attractions such as guided tours, gift shops and breathtaking views.

Mizen Head 2Mizen Head Visitor Centre, Co. Cork

  • At the most southerly point of Ireland, in West Cork
  • Spectacular location on high cliffs, with swirling Atlantic Ocean tides
  • Exhibits such as the Fastnet Hall, the Geology of the Mizen and a Navigational Aids Simulator
  • Mizen Café
  • Gift shop with a great selection of maritime-themed gifts
  • The life of lightkeepers in the former Lightkeepers' Quarters – on an island accessed by crossing a famous arched concrete bridge over a steep gorge
  • Viewing platforms with spectacular views of the coastline and marine vistas

For further information visit


Hook Head 5

Hook Head Lighthouse & Heritage Centre, Co. Wexford

  • One of the oldest operational lighthouses in the world, dating from the 12th century, and steeped in history – one of the top visitor attractions in the region
  • At the end of the Hook peninsula, marking the entrance to the Waterford estuary
  • Guided tours of the lighthouse tower all year round
  • Up 115 steps to the balcony – and spectacular views
  • Former Lightkeepers’ houses with shop selling gifts of a nautical nature and a café serving homemade produce
  • Many festivals, events, art workshops and family fun days take place at Hook Lighthouse throughout the year

For further information visit


Loop Head

Loop Head Lighthouse, Co. Clare

  • Within a walled enclosure at the end of the Loop Peninsula, marking the northern shore of the Shannon Estuary
  • Guided tour of the operational lighthouse
  • Balcony with breathtaking views of the Atlantic and dramatic coastal cliffs of the Loop Peninsula
  • Exhibition on ‘Lighthouses and Lightkeepers’

For further information visit



Cromwell Point 3Cromwell Point Lighthouse, Co. Kerry

  • On Valentia Island, marking the entrance to Valentia Harbour
  • Guided tours of the lighthouse tower
  • Balcony with dramatic scenery and all the magnificence of the Atlantic Ocean
  • Adjacent to the beautiful Ring of Kerry

For further information visit
