17 items were found that matched the tag: "mission"
Terms and Accessibility of the Commissioners of Irish Lights website. Data Protection
The Commissioners of Irish Lights provides a consultation services to meet your needs in areas ranging from Aton provision, Aton design and related Da ...
Delivering an essential public safety service, providing aids to navigation, delivering value for money and more.
The Commissioners of Irish Lights , the General Lighthouse Authority for all of Ireland last night scooped the prestigious award for Environmental Inn ...
Ballycotton Island Lighthouse Tours was officially launched on Thursday 10th July in conjunction with the Commissioners of Irish Lights.
Captain Robert McCabe, Director of Operations and Navigational Services for the Commissioners of Irish Lights is elected President of the Nautical Ins ...
Cork Dockyard Ltd. has won the contract for the 15 year Special Survey and Drydock of the Commissioners of Irish Lights vessel Granuaile following a c ...
The Commissioners of Irish Lights together with its sister lighthouse authorities in the UK (Trinity House and Northern Lighthouse Board) have announ ...
Commissioners of Irish Lights Exhibition Launch, Granuaile Tours and Media Briefing at Seafest 2016
As part of the Commissioners of Irish Lights’ remit to ensure aids to navigation meet international standards, and to improve energy efficiency and th ...
The Commissioners of Irish Lights (Irish Lights) has announced the launch of an online, focused training course on the provision of marine aids to nav ...
The Commissioners of Irish Lights (Irish Lights) held an information event to update the local community on its proposal for works at St John’s Point ...